Welcome to the Home of The German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Western Australia. Our Club hosts many events and fun days each year. We hope you enjoy your visit. Feel free to have a look around and contact us if you would like to know more about this Active, Intelligent, Breed who excells in many disiplines such as, Retrieving, Agility, Obedience, Showing, Tracking, and many more activities. The GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER also makes a  wonderful companion and great family pets.


Patrons:-             Mrs J. Tsakalos  &  Mrs G. Byrne. 

Life Members:-     Ms. W. Bond, Mrs G. Byrne, Dr M. Byrne, Mr R. Johnson, Mrs J. Johnson,

                           Mr L. Golding, Mrs J. Tsakalos,  Ms. M. Matthews, Mr L. Book.

Vice President:-  





CoRescue Officer


Trophy Officer:-             

National Breed Delegate:-         

Membership Subscription Rates:-      Double  $25:00      Single & Assoc:  $20:00  

Subsrcriptions To The Treasurer:-  As Above.

Financial Membership:-   From 1st November to 31st October each calendar year.



Membership is open to any person over the age of 18 years and resident in Australia,

provided that:-

He or she is the registered owner of a live German Shorthaired Pointer, registered with

any Member Body of the Australian National Kennel Control Council.

Any person who has been a Member of the Club for no less than 5 years and who no

longer owns a live dog with any Member Body, shall be eligible to retain Membership

to the Club.

Overseas Memberships are always welcome.

Double Membership:- is for persons whose dog is registered in joint names and residing

at the same address.

Single Membership:- is for persons whose dog is registered in one name.

Associate Membership:- The Club may admit as an Associate any interested person who

pays to the Club the Subscription as decided by the members at an Annual General Meeting.




Name:- The German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Western Australia.

Objects:- 1. To promote, foster, advertise and develop the German Shorthaired

                     Pointer breed in Western Australia.

                 2. To promote and encourage the ownership Of German Shorthaired


                 3. To promote and encourage the participation of German Shorthaired

                          Pointer dogs in Canine Association of Western Australia sanctioned

                      sports and activities.

                 4. To co-ordinate and co-operate with other similar Clubs in the

                      promotion of pure breed dogs and canine sports and activities.

                 5. To provide support to German Shorthaired Pointers owners and

                      their dogs.

                 6.  The property and income of the Club shall be applied solely towards

                      the promotion  of the objects or purposes of the Club and no part

                      of that propertry or income may be paid or otherwise distributed,

                      directly or indirectly, to members of the Club, except in good faith

                                 in the promotion of those objects or purposes.


Affiliation:-  The Club is affiliated with, and bound by the Constitution and

                      Regulations, of, the Canine Association of Western Australia.


Interpretation:-  Should any question arise as to the interpretation of these Rules,

                     or any of them, such question shall be decided by the Governing

                     Council of the Canine Association of W.A. whose decision shall be final

                     and binding. Likewise should any matter arise which is not covered

                     by these Rules, it shall be dealt with in a similar manner.


German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Western Australia.

DOMESTIC RULES        ------       Revised 2012.

(1)   Office Bearers
       The Committee shall consist of the duly elected President, Secretary, Treasurer and up to seven other
       committee members, one of whom may be the Newsletter Editor.
(2)   Election of Office Bearers
       Should less than the number of Office Bearers be nominated at the Annual General Meeting, and if not
       sufficient nominations be recieved from the floor. The Committee shall fill such vacancies at the first
       susequent comittee meeting, or failing that, at another subsequent meeting.
(3)   Patron
       One or two Patrons shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
(4)   Auditor
       An Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting to audit accounts and financial records
       of the Club, and to report to the members on the accounts and financial statements tabled at the
       subsequent Annual General Meeting. 
(5)   Newsletter.
       The Club may produce a newsletter from time to time.
(6)   Editor
       The Editor of the Newsletter may be a member of the Club Committee. Shall be appointed by the management
       committee of the Club, and the tenure of the Editor shall be at the discretion of the management of
       the Club
(7)   Special Members
       The Committee shall inform the members at an Annual General Meeting such persons who fill the criteria
       for "A Life Member", that is:-
       "A person who has been a member of the Club for a period of at least 15 years, and of that 15 years must
        have served on the Committee for 10 years, must have held a position of Office Bearer for a minimum of
        5 years. Terms stated do not necessarlly have to be continuous, life Members shall have the same rights
        as ordinary members.
(8)    Privileges Of Associate Members
        Associate Members may:- (a) Attend Annual, and General Meetings as observers.
                                           (b) Assist in the conduct of any Show, Parade, Trial or Test held by the Club.
(9)   Annual General Meeting
       The Annual General Meeting shall ordinarily be held in the last 2 weeks of November.
(10) Annual subsrciptions are payable on the 1st November each year.
(11) Voting Power Of The Chairman
       The Chairman at all Meetings shall have the right to a deliberate vote. He also has the casting vote.
(12) Club Competitions
       (A)  Club Members shall have the right to enter their dogs at Club Competitions, at a preferential
             rate if the Committee so determines.
       (B)  Club Trophies will be awarded only to Club Members.
The above DOMESTIC RULES may only be altered or amended at a properly conviened Annual General Meeting,
with due notice of motion to the Membership, as per Canine Association Regulations.








 Office Bearers & Committe     Championship Show     Restricted Parade     Club Activities 

 Field/Retrieving Events     Breed Information Page     Perpetual Trophies     GSPC Membership form 

 Photo Album     Photo Album     Guest Book     Links Page 







Web Graphics by Shawna

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