Guest Book
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We love to hear from any one in any place and are happy to share information with all.
Name : Mehki Lucerne-Knight
Web Site :
Country : Australia, Western Australia
How you found us : Web
Comments : Hi, we are a small family of three plus one furry companion and we are interested in German Shorthaired Pointers. If possible could we meet some of the dogs and speak to breeders?
Date : 6-Dec-23
Name : Shonah Gibbon
Web Site :
Country : Scotland
How you found us : Google
Comments : We are over for a one month holiday and would love to know of any GSP club events on. I have 2 girls at home, we are missing them so much. Could do with a GSP fix 😃 We show our girls, so any show information would be appreciated. Thank you,
Shonah Gibbon s5mb
Date : 11-May-22
Name : Sonya Stone
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : google
Comments : Are you able to help, as we are interested in buying a GSP puppy. Could you supply us with GSP breeders contact details that are located in Perth. Kind regards Sonya
Date : 1-Jul-17
Name : Fleur Hudson
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : google
Comments : I am hoping you might be able to help.
Growing up we had a gsp and we love the breed. I am trying to organise a pup for my brother to be available later in the year, but there is a catch in that he was hoping for one that was hypoallergenic. Do you know if there is such a thing and if they are bred in Australia?
Any assistance would be gratefully received.
Date : 3-Jan-17
Name : Marissa
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : Can you please tell me if you meet regularly? I have a 7 month old GSP and would like to connect with other owners? Thanks.
Date : 28-Jun-16
Name : Trevor Halls
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Just googled Burnbrook GSP
Comments : "Dotty" of the Burnbrook Jitterbug litter passed away December 1997. Much loved and always remembered family member. No other dog has taken her place and probably never will. To our family she was a beautiful gentle dog.
Date : 2-Nov-14
Name : Sue Wilson
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Web
Comments : Hi currently looking at purchasing a family dog. We are still trying to choose a breed and GSP is on our short list. Would love to be able to talk to owners and see full grown GSP to help us make our decision and am wondering if you have any events on that we could come and watch take the opportunity to ask some questions about the breed.
Date : 31-Aug-14
Name : Jason
Web Site : http://www.petshop-online.com.au
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : Just dropping in to say hi :)
Date : 10-Jul-13
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